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  • Writer's picturesilverjules

Step 2: Learning to let go

Sometimes we lose something, sometimes we have to give it up, sometimes it's taken away… however it happens, the time comes when we need to let go.

Letting go of something is not easy. Many times, it is a part of ourselves and losing it hurts. And it can hurt a lot. Sometimes we even cling to that pain, because it reminds us of what it was. We all know the cycle: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance. Though for me, it was more: Denial, Depression, Anger, Depression, Denial, Anger, Depression, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance.

However long the path is, eventually the time comes when something reaches into your heart and removes that bit that was preventing you from moving on: hope. It might sound counterintuitive, hope is after all such a positive sounding word, how can it be bad?

It isn't. Hope is not a bad thing. But hoping things will be different, is by definition not accepting that they are not. Hope remains when you think it might still be. Acceptance comes when you realize it will not.

Like any road traveled, going somewhere forward requires the present location to be left behind. Everyone has the right to decide where they want to go, and no one should stop anyone from moving along, even if they are moving away.

Even if it feels like you are being left behind, you aren't, it might seem that way from your point of reference, but it's just relativity at work (after all, physics determines it so, unless you are a photon). The day comes when you realize that you were moving too. It might not be the road you were expecting, but all roads go forward, and any one of them will take you somewhere you've never been before.

Hope is a wonderful feeling. Imagination is a powerful tool. But sometimes, just sometimes, it is better to enjoy the life that is, instead of yearning for the one that never was. In the end, you will find out the Universe is never boring, and whichever path you end up on, will make one heck of a ride.

Paraphrasing Robert Frost, Everything I've learned from life is summed up in three words: It - Goes - On. All you have to do, is let it.

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