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  • Writer's picturesilverjules

Step 1: Delving into fan-fiction

There are many books I enjoy. Reading is one of my biggest passions. I love being part of those stories, becoming a silent observer much like the ending of "Being John Malkovich", though still retaining the ability of jumping in and out at will, of course.

Being a scientist by profession, I gravitate towards breathtaking worlds created inside the pages. Like the D'ni in the Myst series, each author can transport us to a different time and a different place -if they create this world themselves from scratch, or if they only activate the link, is a different discussion for another time-. Fantasy and Science Fiction occupy the top shelf for me, but any book has the potential to capture me, and keep me as a fan for ever after.

Many times I like to wonder what goes on inside the head of the silent characters, or those not usually at the frontline. One of these stories has been with me for a while now, taking shape in the back of my head, so today I took the first step and started to put those conversations down in ink. In reality, this is the main reason why I created this blog, though this is not my first one, the old one was lost -and technically it wasn't even mine, it belonged to BB, my rubber duck- but now I guess I have another chance to unload my thoughts and keep the voices quiet while I write (they too like to read after all).

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